It's my Nekoversary
It's been a year on Nekoweb.
![Note] I noticed this after having written a lot of this but, 2025 dosen’t have 29th February. As such ill just release this on the 28th, and you can ignore some issues related to that.
On February 29th of 2024 I made my nekoweb account and started up my 1st real website. Before this I hadn’t really tried to make anything original, it was just copied and pasted W3Schools snippets that I hosted on 000WebHost for no one to see. Well, nobody except my 2020 online class (for a solid 2 minutes I’ll have you know). I rightfully got accused of just copying and pasting stuff, even though I technically did make many modifications to the code, and the site soon got forgotten. As a 13-year-old, I didn’t know about proper web hosts like Vercel, or more appropriately, Neocities. I didn’t even know of something like Carrd or Rentry. My extent of hosting knowledge was the aforementioned 000WebHost, Wix and Google Sites. Because of this I didn’t really know much about webdev even though I was studying in a similar field.
The start
In 2024, before we had the twitter ban in Pakistan, I fell into the old-UI fan gang relating to websites, I still like it, but I’ve grown to like new UIs, partly due to the performance and buglessness. Following this interest I installed the “Old Twitter Layout” extension, and impressed by it. I started looking up other projects by the author, dimden. There, I stumbled upon nekoweb, thought it was very cool (especially as I didn’t know of neocities at that point) and signed up.
The first layout I made stayed with me for the majority of my time here, A rather simple layout of a roughly 1:2:1 ratio sidebars and main panel page for the main page. I had liked the catppuccin theme for a while now, and I used its palette for my site as well. As a fate fan who hadn’t read the fate or the tsukihime vn I despised people who used the neco arc meme without knowing who she was. Also I used her a lot on my site as theming.
I had quite a few different pages and as a challenge to improve my skills I decided to give them all a different style, or at the very least different color schemes. I had the Main page, the blog page, the nekofm page and a few other very low effort pages. Overall I liked each page’s UI and there wasn’t much UX to talk about. I hadn’t made many accessibility features unfortunately so I should probably apologize about that.
I learned quite a bit about HTML/CSS and started out on my JS journey here on Nekoweb. Inspired by max’s nekoapi stats widget and lastfm widgets I set out to learn how to deal with APIs myself and make nekofm. It slowly gained quite a bit of members and later on Tepiloxtl made a lastfm websockets API, which basically made updating the playing statuses easier. I should redesign nekofm now to be fair, theres many improvements I can make, especially as it was made with plain html, css and js.
I had a lot of hiatuses when working on my site, mostly out of lack of motivation and inspiration, but one day I decided to remake the site with Astro. It boasted performance and no JS shipping to the user, which was pretty useful as the past bulk of changes to my codebase was with gulp and code minification and optimization before uploading on nekoweb. Rewriting the existing html to Astro proved to be quite troublesome, in the end I scraped the old layout and just decided to try and change my site as I hadn’t done much new stuff anyways. I decided to recreate my layout in the shape of Vencord’s System24 themes, I used it on my client and I liked the style and design. The main 2 areas of the channel list and the chat window seemed like the perfect thing for a navbar and content window. I used to use flexbox before but grew to like css grids with this layout, for certain designs at least.
This blog
In the end I never really used my blog often, in real life I don’t read many books, I used to read a few as a kid when I didn’t have internet but after that I didn’t even touch studies that seriously. Because of this even though I made a pretty nice looking blog I never ended up working on it much and it started barren for a long while, the few posts I had were just there for the sake of seeing if my css looked good.
However, now I’m trying to put in effort to post a few more blogs on whatever topic. I don’t know why I want to do this but maybe it’ll turn out well. I’m writing all of this a few days before the 29th but I will release it on the 29th, I have planned and written a few other blogs and probably will write a few more before the 29th and publish them too. This blog has been slightly longer than the others but I hope the others catch up in length as well.
While I used to be somewhat active with the nekoweb community that isn’t so true recently, Regardless of that I think I should thank at least dimden and the other devs alongside him for making a platform like this.
The rest of my life
I wanted to end the blog here before, but as I wrote this blog too early, coming back a few weeks after I wrote the stuff above i’ve decided to write a little bit more. I’ve already talked about how I found nekoweb but I feel like talking about myself too, for some reason. I debated making this part into a separate blog, but I wanted to release it on the same day so i’ll just add it to here. I might be oversharing here alot, especially considering its on a public site, but I dont care.
I was born in 2007 in the UAE, so this year I’l turn 18, as of this being published im still 17. I dont remember anything about the 1st house I lived in or the 2nd or maybe even the 3rd, i’ve seen a couple images of it in awful quality but nothing comes back to mind.
I have an older brother who was born 7 years before me, my mom said he really wanted a sister and was very unfriendly with me even as a kid for being a brother instead. She’s said that I was only a few months old when she had to go back to work and left me at the day care, im pretty sure she also said I was bought up on formula milk.
The babysitter whos daycare I was bought up in suffered from cancer, she was of a different religion but I hear my mom say she cared for me better than other people she knows. She unforunately died a around a decade ago.
The 1st ever house I remember living in was in the same area as her house, and it was probably the biggest house weve ever rented, I was too young to have my own room for the time I lived in that house and I never really had another chance after that.
My one and only school
When I was around maybe 4, I got an admission into “HHES” (school’s acronym) and into KG, im not sure if its early or late but I had some dumb retard issues growing up which meant I couldn’t join earlier. This was the only school I “properly” studied in and it was until 6th grade. It used to be a pretty esteemed school before I joined but it fell off pretty hard, it wasnt purticularly good or filled with delinquents or anything, just mediocre. Other than language classes, which I was awful in (excluding english), I was pretty average on all subjects and while im pretty sure I did’nt really fail any subjects I never got super high marks either.
Even though I spent alot of time in this school, in the later years, they would call me out of class because of late fee payments for the tuition, and so I also spent alot of time in just some room they had repurposed.
Apart from this school, while I did get into another school, “GACS” it was during the pandemic and almost all classes were online, which I didnt participate in. I skipped an year my new class was equivalant to 8th grade. The short while I was there nothing of much happened, club activities didnt exist, sports wasnt a thing, all my classmates were annoying and basic ass. It was boring as fuck.
I didnt finish my 3 years there and left halfway, instead I started doing private O-Levels in which, in 4/5 of the subjects I got pretty good marks.
Currently im doing A-Levels and I dont know what im gonna do next.
I’ve already said I dont remember the very first few houses I lived in, but I know they all were in Sharjah, UAE. I lived for 13 years in UAE and basically only ever lived in and visited places in Sharjah. The house I remember the most of is the house we rented last, before I moved to pakistan, it was in Al-Yarmook, Sharjah. The layout of this house was oddly similar to the biggest house I mentioned before, hall infront, hallway going forward on the right and a kitchen on the right.
Before this, we moved alot of houses, im not sure what the reason for leaving each was, but im assuming it was rent prices, as money was always an issue. In alot of the houses we lived in we never had a proper internet connection, I didnt have friends either so it was very, very boring for alot of years as I was actually a Shut-In NEET kinda kid. I didnt have my own room, but I didnt go to school and stayed at home almost all the time. This was’nt because of some bullying or whatever but rather because of money issues.
Im pretty sure I spent like 2 years doing nothing at home, in alot of that time I think I read a couple kid books and messed around offline with what was on an old laptop. In the 2nd year of that, when I did get a proper internet connection, and also when I got access to mobile hotspot which my dad sometimes had for work, I would watch anime on piracy sites. I didn’t have any social media because I didnt really know who I’d talk to but I did have the worst app, Reddit.
Anyway, back to houses, there was another one before this, in Al-Qadsiyah, this was a villa as opposed to the one we got later, which was an apartment (albeit on the 1st floor). This was the 2nd most memorable house to me but It wasn’t much different than the others, I just stayed home and got bored.
Everything was unimaginably boring because I didn’t really talk with my family either, as a small kid my mom said I didn’t recognize her as she was always at work, after growing up a little it was a similar situation. My dad sometimes had on site work or office work, but usually just worked at home, as he was always busy I never talked with him much either.
That leaves my brother, and I don’t know what I even thought him before but when he wasn’t at work or school, he was quite annoying. He had always been hot headed and would flip out, sometimes in harsh ways ever since I was a kid. While a 7-year gap isn’t the biggest gap, it still causes quite a lot of issue. I never fw him much even tho we still did have alot of “sibling bonding” but even that kind of drowned in later years.
Because of this lack of stimulus, I think I ended up being very stupid growing up. I also never got deep into any fandoms as the only thing I did was watch anime. I didn’t listen to music much, nor did I read more books after those few I did. I really only got into social media when I moved to Pakistan in like 2018 or 2020 I don’t quite remember.
Moving to Pakistan
I was gonna talk about everything that happened after I moved to Pakistan and stuff but i’ve lost all motivation and honestly dont even remember when it happened, I now feel like writing all that was a bad idea and I shouldn’t over share but im not gonna let all this dog crap go to waste. I might talk more about this in a later blog but im gonna go missing for a month or two so we’ll see.
Goon bye for now, :p
- Lel
P.S I thought my Nekoversary was on the 10th not 29th so I started writing this too early :p
P.P.S I wrote the 2nd part wayyyy later like I mentioned and also I didn’t wanna grammar check it so thats why it reads worse. (i still did a tiny bit)
P.P.P.S I’m adding this one after uploading this blog but I changed my fonts for the blog do ya’ll fw it?